On Dec 15th we performed for an invited audience singing some of our favourite pieces both seasonal and a few of Mabe Ladies new pieces.
It was an evening of joy, wonderful singing, readings & audience participation. Our President Amanda Ward presented 2 members with plaques celebrating 50 years of being Mabe Ladies , Congratulations to Verna Tripconey & Georgie Roskilly, your dedication and contribution to or choir cannot be measured!
Amanda presented Beryl Perry with a lifetime Award, at almost 94 yrs old, Beryl is our longest serving Mabe Lady ,her wonderful deep Contralto voice has been the underpinning of our second altos for more than 50 years she reluctantly retired in August of this year, we truly miss her singing, reminiscences, stories & humour.
We are proud of having achieved so much after almost 2 years of Covid separation and Zoom rehearsals.
We look forward to welcoming our audiences to concerts in 2022.